Sacred Hours

Sacred hours

When my heart connects

With yours

And peace descends to comfort me

In the sacred, holy hours

Heart to heart

Connections without words

Without a physical presence

But still, I know

Tis you, tis you

And joy fills my soul

Death cannot part us

No power has this darkness

Unless I give it

Light penetrates, warms and comforts

And I know you are here

Your spirit as vibrant as it ever was

Amazing joy and happiness

I hear you laugh out loud

Aw, how good it is So very, very good

You never truly went away

I see you

In the faces of our children

I hear your joy

In their laughter

I feel your love embrace us all

As we hug one another close

You are here, my love

You are here

In the love that shimmers

In the darkness of the night

And the light of every day

You are here

You are here

You never truly went away

Love rolls down my cheek

Love rolls down my cheek

When I think of you

Which is often,

A random thing

Triggers the pain

Of missing you

Love rolls down my cheeks

Some call it tears

But I know

It is love

Love I cannot give you

In the same way of days before

Days of yore

The ticking clock reminds me

Of the passing of time

Of days sublime

With love, with joy

Love rolls down my cheeks

Over and over

In the early morn

In the dining hours

In the darkness of the night

Missing you, and the life we had

Love rolls down my cheeks

For you are no longer here

On this plain, on this earth

You are so far away

Like dust turned to stars

Sacred, holy dust

Blown away

Scattering your energies everywhere

Love rolls down my cheeks

I will bear the scars

The price I pay gladly

For the love

That rolls down my cheeks

Paying the Price

Paying the Price

Grief, they say, is the price we pay for love.

I will pay it, gladly, my love

For every minute of our lives together

For every little thing you did or said

To bring a smile to my face

For every shared experience

Whether joyful or sad

I am so grateful for the gift you were

And are in my life

So, yes, I will bear the pain and the hurt

Your absence has created

For I know somewhere out in the far beyond

You await me, and continue to send your love

I will pay the price, gladly

For the privilege of loving you

For walking with you through sun or storms

From bloom of youth to the grayness in our hair

I loved you then. I love you now

My dearest, dearest, dear


Pain comes, as it will

Shocking us with its cruel fangs

Sank into vulnerable flesh

It comes again and again

When least expected

For if we could foresee its coming

Would we not be better armored?

Prepared for the assault?

Yet, even when we see it coming

Or sense its stealth, somehow

The pain is still just as real

Just as excruciating

And even though we prepare for it

Still, we fall to our knees

Wounded and betrayed

By our own naivete

How could we be so stupid?

Pain comes, crushing us as it will

It comes

Six Thousand Beats and more

Six thousand beats and counting

Hearts forever stilled

Yet spirits shine a light to guide;

To inspire acts of love

Beat the drum and sing the honor songs

Of my people, of all peoples

Let the beat resound

Creator God, open ears

To hear six thousand beats and more

This Reconciliation Day

And let truth, though painful

Penetrate all hearts

And open wide the doors, once closed

Welcome all inside

Let all listen to six thousand beats and more,

though these hearts are forever stilled

Their Spirits guide us on

So, bless us now, Creator God

And heal the wounds of old

And wounds too freshly new

Creator God breathe into each

Gathered here today

A peace so longed for and so needed

In all our hearts today

Creator God bring healing now

For six thousand beats and more


And the days are come with hope in the air and the sun kisses our faces with love, filling us with joy. I have been thinking a lot about hope and all it means. The photo is mine but these beautiful words are not. Still, I hope they touch your heart as they have mine.


“HOPE” :  a poem by Alexis Valdes

When the storm has passed

And the roads are tamed

And we are the survivors

Of a collective shipwreck.

With tearful heart

And our destiny blessed

We will feel joy

Simply for being alive.

And we’ll give a hug

To the first stranger

And praise our good luck

That we kept a friend.

And then we’ll remember

All that we lost

And finally learn

Everything we never learned.

And we’ll envy no one

For all have suffered

And we’ll not be idle

But more compassionate.

We’ll value more what belongs to all

Than what was earned

We’ll be more generous

And much more committed.

We’ll understand how fragile

 it is to be alive.

We’ll sweat empathy

For those still with us and those who are gone.

We’ll miss the old man

Who asked for a buck in the market

Whose name we never knew

Who was always at your side.

And maybe the poor old man

Was your God in disguise.

But you never asked his name

Because you never had the time.

And all will become a miracle

And all will become a legacy.

And we’ll respect the life,

The life we have gained.

When the storm passes

I ask you Lord, in shame

That you return us better,

As you once dreamed us

Help to make a difference

Divine One

Please, help us set aside our small concerns

Help us see the broken people,

The people who have lapsed into despair,

Who see no reason to hope,

No way to go on

And if it is Your will

Grant us strength to stretch out a hand

In kindness and compassion

Show us, please,

Divine One,

Where we should be in unity

With those most in need

And grant us the tools and wherewithal

To make a difference

Slay this beast

Divine One

Questions persist

With them come worry

Anxiety rears its ugly head

Divine one

Come with your sharpened sword

Slay this beast that runs amuck

Around the globe

The beast is real

But You, Divine One

Hold out hope

And love

And peace

To heal tortured minds and souls

And so, I call on You,

Divine One

Fill us with Your grace

Replace our fears

With confidence

In your Power and mercy

Send forth Your protections

That we may breathe freely once again

The meeting

It stood on my path

Its maw opened wide

Showing sharp teeth

And I trembled inside

It stood on my path

Blocking my way

I stood still, like a rock

Willing my fear

To calm and to leave

It stood in my path

I, frozen in terror

No prayer could I utter

Back away, said a voice

Slow, slow, don’t you run

It’s protecting its young

And means you no harm

Then I seen the small muzzle

Poking out from beneath her

Comically, quizzically,

Trembling and scared

And I took a step back

My eyes never leaving the face

Of the mother, with hackles

All spiked in the air

One more, then another

My eyes locked with hers

Until, at last, she turned

Calling her cub to her

As she lumbered away

What fear did my presence unlock

For this great, furry creature

in its concern for its young

My heart ceased its racing

I breathed deeply and then

I turned on the path

And went home again