As the year ends and another begins

I had good intentions of not being away as long or as often. “The road to hell” etc. etc. It’s been a very tough year and I am looking forward to a much better year ahead. As most of you know we have suffered significant losses over the past fifteen months. First my hubby died, then my daughter-in-law and most recently a brother-in-law. So, I have spent most of my time trying to be a support for my son and my sister.

We had a very quiet but nice Christmas. I hope you did as well, if you celebrate. Otherwise, I hope your particular holiday was special and joyous.

Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays. It was hard this year with loved ones missed and remembered but I did find joys in the day, quiet, special joys that I will carry in my heart.

The New Year is mere hours away. There is magic in the air as I look forward to meeting new people and enjoying new experiences. But I will always treasure the people in my life now. “Meet new friends but keep the old, one is silver, the other gold.”

There is this sacred element to the turning of time and as I grow older I cherish moments more than ever, especially time spent with loved ones. Life is such a precious gift.

I am grateful to each special soul who has been with me on this journey called life, many of you have become dear to my heart. And so, dear ones, as this year passes and a New Year begins I wish you many, many blessings. I pray you have more joys than sorrows throughout the year ahead. Happy New Year!

Small steps, one after another

It’s been a tough year and I’m aware, I am not alone in life’s struggles, especially as it relates to grief. My sister’s husband died on the 8th of November. It’s a club nobody would wish to join. To compound the heartache, my nephew lost his home and business to a house fire days afterward. Sometimes the darkness feels overwhelming. Somehow we get through such tragedies. I could say “why me, or why my family” but as someone much wiser than I once wrote, “why not me” (or my family).

I continue to be so very grateful for the people I have “met” here and the kind support I have received. I hope I have also been a source of support for others. When life kicks you in the shins there’s no choice but to walk it off. and that, my friends, is what I’ve been attempting to do.

As the Christmas season approaches this is my gentle reminder to be kind. None of us know what others are going through – ever! With the seasons’ emphasis on family it can be a lonely and sad time for folks who have lost a loved one or faced a disaster of some kind.

“Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.” — Ruth Carter Stapleton

One for sorrow, Two for joy

There’s an old rhyme featuring crows that goes:

“One for sorrow

Two for Joy

Three for a letter

Four for a boy

Five for silver

Six for gold

Seven for a secret, never to be told

Eight for a wish

Nine for a kiss

Ten for a surprise, be careful not to miss

Eleven for health

Twelve for wealth”

It varies a little, depending where you live. It’s an old nursery rhyme and in original versions it was magpies that were counted. Where I’m from it was crows.

This past week I’ve been seeing single ravens followed not long afterward by pairs. Sorrow and joy, sorrow and joy, isn’t that just life?

Recently we learned that a family member is very sick, actually more than one. As I grow older it will happen more frequently, no doubt. All the more reason to give thanks for the joys that also come. Life is such a series of ups and downs. I am off work for a bit due to an issue with my back. It’s giving me time to reflect on life. November 1st is All Souls Day, according to the church calendar. It has roots in ancient times and made me think of my ancestors. Way back in the day (or maybe not so long ago) people were very superstitious and many nursery rhymes reflect that.

I am rambling, I know. I just find it all so interesting. My Dad used to get upset if two knives were crossed on the table or counter. He said it signified fighting, or even preceded death. His father came from Ireland as a boy and Dad had many ‘old wives tales’ which he shared. I am unsure if they originated in Ireland or not.

My parents both would sing nursery rhymes and tell the stories handed down through generations. How I wish I’d recorded them. Life today is moving so fast with technology constantly evolving. Our parents, grandparents and ancestors had a lot more time for story telling. The loss of which, to me, is “one for sorrow”.

Happy Thanksgiving! From Canada with love

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and with the news of the horrific war breaking out in Israel, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and in other parts of our world, I am truly grateful to be living in peace. That is number one!

Yesterday we had our “big” dinner, which wasn’t so big. We aren’t really up for celebrating the way we did in years gone by. Hubby absolutely loved Thanksgiving. He loved baking pies and cooking the turkey. He always insisted on it. But, he is gone as is my daughter-in-law. She died exactly four months ago today. So we just weren’t up for celebrations. But, my son did come and partake of the chicken dinner I cooked. And that is reason number two for my gratitude today. A burden shared is a burden lifted. Holidays are very difficult in the wake of a death. So I am truly thankful he came.

My employer has hired two new people. So, I am grateful for that (Number three). It means I will soon be working less hours, meaning I will have time for other pursuits such as my writing.

Family – number four on my list of things to be grateful for (not necessarily in order). My adult children are endlessly thoughtful and so kind, so generous. So, I am grateful for them and for all my siblings and all relations.

Great weather for the weekend, a.k.a. blessing number five. Last year (or maybe it was the year before?) we had snow on Thanksgiving weekend. This year it has been sunny and warm with a bit of a breeze – perfect weather to get outside and enjoy nature.

Six: pets! We do love our pets and I am grateful for the blessings animals bring into our lives.

Last, but far from least, I am grateful for the people I interact with, whether that is face to face or on platforms like this where the interaction is virtual.

There is much more that I give thanks for this autumn weekend and I could go on and on. I won’t. But I could. 🙂

I hope that wherever you may live on this little blue marble that you are well; that you are happy; that there are more blessings than you can count. So, from Canada, with love: Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Melancholy be gone!

It’s a day. I am tired of the melancholy that seems to dog my steps this past while. I have trouble filling the minutes, hours and days when I am not needed at work or at my son’s place, for that matter. The past several months have been so wrapped up in both. The future feels bleak at times. I miss my husband. His death left such a huge void and has left me wondering what to do, where to go, where to live….I still haven’t sorted that out but it’s okay. “When in doubt, do nothing” I’ve been advised. And I am very definitely in doubt. Eventually the clouds will part and I will know with at least a modicum of certainty where I’m headed. In the meanwhile I am busily trying to whittle down the wordiness in my second novel.

Today is Orange Shirt Day in Canada – also known as The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It’s a day set aside to honor all the children who died or went missing while enrolled in Residential schools across the country. So, my melancholy is somewhat due to reflecting on the horrors of what happened to indigenous families. I will not focus on that right now. Most Canadians are aware of these injustices. Suffice to say, it is not a day off work to indulge in our own pursuits but a day meant to learn more about all the injustices perpetrated on First Nations Peoples in Canada.

Today is also the date on which my mother was born, many years ago, and also the date one year ago that we said our final farewell to my husband. It’s a gloomy, overcast day here – even the skies seem melancholy! Yeah, it’s been a day. It’s okay to not be okay, right?

On a more positive note, new employees have been hired and are in training. I am hopeful that I soon won’t have to work so many days in a row. It will give me time to dive into my second book with a vengeance. Time to “murder my darlings”. It’s a writing thing, meaning to let go of that which doesn’t serve the story. Delete, delete, delete, now if I could just do that with this melancholy!

More Northern Lights

I know I’ve posted photos of the Northern Lights here before but I just cannot resist posting a few more. Taken from my balcony on Sept. 18. 2023 ….

Some are a bit fuzzy, I know but it is always such a joy to see them and I hope you enjoy my humble offerings.

One year gone

Today marks the one-year anniversary since hubby died. This whole month has been difficult as the date approached. I dreaded it so much. Plus I have been working a lot of extra hours as we’ve been short-handed at work. New employees have been hired and I am hopeful of a reprieve from all those extra shifts in the very near future. It’s been very tiring. I’ve also found an editor for my second novel and I am so excited to work with her. I think it will be a wonderful relationship. I spoke with her on the phone and we seemed to hit it off. We have much in common and I am looking forward to the journey. I already received her suggestions on the first chapter and I know making the changes she suggests will make for a much better book.

I’ve been thinking of all the people I’ve been interacting with here for so long. My apologies for being missing in action. It’s been a tough year. Since my daughter-in-law died I’ve spent a good deal of my time with my son when I’m not at work. The last time I had this double whammy of grief was in 2012 when my sister’s sons died within six months of one another. That was so hard. Her youngest had cancer and we didn’t expect him to make it and then I got the call about her eldest who died suddenly from a brain aneurysm.

I look back on my blog and realize how often I’ve been mired in grief over the years. and here I am again. Life can be challenging, to say the least. I just wanted to pop in to say thank you to all the people who have gracefully supported me through my trials and tribulations. I don’t know if I’m up to regular visits as yet but know you are appreciated, even if my presence has been somewhat hit and miss this past year.

Wherever you live on this good planet I hope you are well. I hope life has been gentle and kind to you, and if not, then I hope you’ve had good and gentle people to support you, as I have. Wishing you all so many blessings and all things good! I’ll be back!

“Sunday Poser # 148- Sharing or over sharing?” answering the question

Sadje over at Keep it Alive  posed this question on her blog: “Sunday Poser # 148- Sharing or over sharing?”

When my brother was killed by a drunk driver in 2016 one of my nieces shared it on Facebook – before the rest of the family, myself included, was notified. Fortunately my elder brother saw it and was able to have her remove it (I was at work at the time). I don’t believe in sharing such horrific news online, or at least not until the immediate family and friends of the deceased has been notified.  I think it is an awful way to be informed of such a tragedy. I think a little common sense needs to be employed. Having said that, I have shared lots of personal stuff here on WordPress. But it is MY stuff, not that of others – their stories are theirs to tell. However, I have often asked for prayers without revealing whom the prayers are for – people do not need to know details.

To comment or read more thoughts go to her blog:

Syrian Women say “Enough”

This is a reblog from revapothrcary’s blog site…. I initially started my WordPress site as a journalism student with an intense empathy for people around the world who face injustices of every kind and with a particular interest in human rights. To gain a bit of insight into what is happening in Syria please click on the link below to learn more: