Ball of Twine

And if you choose

To unravel my life

As though that I am nothing

But a tightly rolled ball

Of coarsest twine

Without pattern or color

It is all in your hands . . .

Yet, you may also choose to knit me lovingly

In bold and beautiful weave

The stitches may be loose

Or bound up tightly

In intricate impossibilities

For you are my maker, and I

But a ball of twine

In your hands

Do with me

As you wish

For I am yours


To kindle a fire

This minuscule spark

This insignificant flame

Please, Divine One, come

Ignite it with Your sacred breath

Let it dance ever higher

These dry and brittle bones

Seek to be rekindled

Into something warm and kind

This, my soul desire

To walk a path straight and true,

To be a blessed reflection

Of all I know of You

All that is decent,

All that is good

Forgive this flawed, imperfect creature

And if it be Your will,

Let me grow quietly in love

Light my way to You

On gates and chimes, a prayer

Gate swinging in the wind

Discordant sound

Hinges needing oiling

Wind chimes


A welcome sound

Isn’t life like that?

Discordant, sometimes

Irritating, sometimes

Merry, sometimes

Joyful, sometimes

But always good


I thank you, God

For the wind

That brings movement

And change

Help me accept it all

The good and the not-so-good

And help me see the blessings

In both



Too often I go through my days oblivious

Heedless of the beauty in the blue skies above me

Insensible to the beauty of the life beneath my feet

Trapped in my head and unaware

Thinking but unthinking

Self absorbed and unobservant

Not noticing the small black dots

On the ladybug’s back

Or even the ladybug itself

Deaf to the songs of the birds overhead

Blind to the brilliant colors of the rainbow

Oblivious of all but my small concerns

Divine One, wake me now

Help me be fully present

To the miracle of life all about me

Set me free

From oblivion

Young love, lost

Scene from the movie, Me before You, courtesy of

“He was my first love,” she said with a faraway look in her eyes. The silence grew, lengthened, as I waited and wondered. Her fingers played with the delicate chain she wore around her neck. I thought she’d forgotten me.

She smiled a half-smile as she finally turned to me. “That was fifty years ago. He always held a special place deep in my heart,” she paused again, quiet, reflecting, still. Reliving a past I could not fathom and dare not intrude upon even if I could.

“Our parents said we were too young,” she continued, “too young to know what love is. But we knew, we both knew. I remember … It was such a tender love, almost, well, spiritual. We were so young, but we knew what love is,” her voice trailed off once again as she re-entered that distant past and tears glinted in her eyes.

And I, a fool, did not know what to say or what to do to comfort her. I, in turn, was much too young to understand. I had no knowledge of such love. It astounded and confounded me.

I was too young at that time. But now the years have tumbled by and I am now at that age that she was then. And still, I wonder at a love held close for so long. So long. A love that never died.

It’s a wonderful world

“Sunrise” courtesy of Pixabay

“And I think to myself, it’s a wonderful world.” This ballad written by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss was recorded by Louis Armstrong and released in 1967. It has been one of my favorite tunes, hands down. Songs of hope; songs celebrating life; songs that bring us back to days of our youth (misspent or otherwise) are such a joy and a blessing. 

“God gave us memories that we might have roses in December” – author unknown. That is what music is to me and such a blessing too.  And it really is such a wonderful world.

Yes, there are despotic rulers, egomaniacs and narcissistic, power-hungry leaders who don’t seem to know the meaning behind the ideas of good governance. Yes, there are horrible things being done to human beings around the globe. Yes, there are terrible diseases and natural (and not so natural) disasters. I do not deny the horrors in the world.

However, I choose to focus on the positive. The wonderful stories of people stepping up to help others; to help animals; to help the environment. “As within, so without,” as the saying goes.

Wherever you live on this bright blue marble and whatever you are doing, I hope you see the good in people and in this beautiful world of ours, and think to yourself, it’s a wonderful world.

Sacred Trust

Sacred trust

That space where we find you


Waiting for us to let go of fears


And impatience


A blessed gift


Once opened



Chases away

All shadows

And darkness

O God

Grant us the gift

Of unshakeable trust

And faith

Like a rock

Steady and strong

Grant us now

Sacred trust

Let hope rise

Living in limbo

The answers yet to come

Anxiety holds sway

But for this moment only

For this I know:

Doubt may well be

Part and parcel of our humanity

Yet, hope will rise, again and again

A divine gift that buoys us up

In every storm

Weary soul, do not give up

Not yet, not now, not ever

Hope will sustain us

Let it rise

Let it fill every cell of your being

And let your worries fall away

Through these days

It is week four now…time goes by so slowly.

Feeling weak and helpless

As I stand here by your side

Hoping, praying

Let healing come

Please, dear God, let healing come

For him

For me

For all the world I see

Struggling with brokenness

And still and all

I know that You

O divine Creator

Hold us still

In the palms of your hands

Though weak and small

You see us all

In our entire humanity

Please grant us strength

And courage too

To get us through these days

These hard and lonely days

These blessed days

When we are ground to bits

And all the pieces

Do not seem to fit

Yet your wisdom guides us on

Through the darkness

Through the fear

Through all anxiety

And crushed dreams

Waiting for our honest response

Waiting for a blessed ‘yes’

Through these days

When You seem far away

And silent

Yet even in the grasp of doubt

I believe

You are here by our side

Through these days