Sitting with the unknown

Struggling, asking why?

Letting go does not come easy

We want the answers -now!

Impatient and unwilling

To give it time, to wait and see

Frustration fills the soul

And dread sits anxiously

Pray, plea, beg, and then…..

Slowly, slowly let it go

It’s a process softly evolving

Sitting with the unknown

Out of nowhere comes a calm

The result of many prayers on our behalf

Though the answers are not yet ours

All is suddenly quite peaceful

We are cocooned within its sphere

No anxiety threatens, and dread has left us at long last

Still we sit with the unknown

Yet no longer filled with fear

Cradled in Divine love

There’s no need of answers here

Unshakeable trust has lighted

Like a bird upon a branch

And here we find sweet rest

Repose for troubled souls

Though we sit with the unknown

19 thoughts on “Sitting with the unknown

  1. Your words paint such beautiful pictures. So from the heart. So eloquent. I am glad that you are both finding some peace in the spiritual. I really don’t know how some people deal with their lives without touching the spiritual. I am so happy for you that you have that. You are both in my prayers and heart. ❤ ❤

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  2. I just read your beautiful words again. They brought tears to my eyes. On a very deep level I understand the peace and shedding of fear that has come with the acceptance of what is and your very strong spiritual beliefs. It is something that I have experienced in the past when I thought that my end was immanent. Your words brought back for me the memory of the incredible peace that descended upon me, the fear no more. It was like nothing that I have ever experienced. A beautiful, wondrous gift.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Carol. What you are experiencing is heartfelt. Our real constant companion in this journey through life, is God himself. The more faith and trust we have in God, the stronger our bonding is with him. As for me, I sit alone midst the darkness and gloom in the world with my faith shining strong. Actually, its all that I have. May yours shine strong too. You are in my personal prayers. Big Hugs to you Carol! ❤❤❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

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