It’s been a little over a month of self isolation for hubby and I. It started on March 13th right after we got back from a trip to the city where he’d had a medical appointment. A couple of days before we left the news about the corona virus was beginning to get more intense. But the city of Edmonton had just two cases, that was on Tuesday by Thursday there were twenty. It was rather stressful being in the city as there were so many unanswered questions, there still are, I know. At any rate with hubby’s health placing him near the top of the list for vulnerability neither of us were keen on taking any chances at all. On 13th of March I also received word from my employer not to come in to work the next day. By Monday we learned the library would be closed until further notice.

So, what to do with all the time I now had on my hands? How were we going to cope? Except for missing my coworkers and the regular patrons at the library I am doing okay. It wasn’t a huge leap for us anyway because hubby’s health has kept us pretty much home bound for years now – so we had practice, not an awful lot of adjusting to do. It is only now, a month later, than I am beginning to chaff at the bit. How much television can one watch without going bonkers? I am not much for t.v. at the best of times, but have been watching much more than I usually do.

I am trying to keep busy sewing home-made masks for whomever may need them. (I need to double-check the site to see who is asking for them still.) I dislike house cleaning but I guess the place could use a spring cleaning. On a positive note I saw two Canada geese flying overhead this morning, a sure sign spring is on the way. I was thrilled to see them. I am looking forward to the spring weather, even if it only means sitting out on the balcony watching the world go by. Admittedly the world is going by at a snail’s pace so that may not hold my attention for long. Then again, I cannot tackle much that requires a lot of attention. My brain is doing the flickering thing like a light bulb about to burn out. Reading books is a challenge, for example, as I often have to read the same page several times before it sinks in. I am just too distracted.

Can you tell I am getting rather bored? What are you doing to handle the boredom? How are you handling this forced isolation? I find it more interesting to read the thoughts of others’ than to continue to sit with mine, which tend to run in circles more often than not the past few days. At any rate, I hope you’re all doing okay and managing the inertia this isolation thing has brought on (well, for me anyway). I would love to hear what you’re doing and how you’re spending your time. Take care everybody and stay safe.

24 thoughts on “Just checking in….do you have any scintillating news to share? I do not!

  1. For me, this isolation hasn’t changed things a lot. I am at my daughter’s place, away from my home. In my own home, I have a busy life with my other two kids, their families and friends. Luckily I came to Seattle just before the self- isolation came into effect. Here I am helping my daughter look after her 10 year old son, some help with house work and my blogging. So basically I am too busy to be bored. If I were home, then I would not have much to do.

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    1. We do not have any grandchildren, sadly. Kids can sure keep you busy and also keep you young. I enjoy my brother’s grandchildren when I can see them, which, of course, is out of the question right now.

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      1. thank you………i have found it very hard to motivate myself but somehow, at least on most days 🙂 I push through it. For me, the key is to find really small projects, like cleaning off the top of the fridge and once it is done, I can move on to something else with more motivation.

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      2. Yes, that is how I am managing at the moment as well by taking small steps. I tend to look at the whole ball of wax and get intimidated by all I want to do and, of course, getting not much done at all. Breaking it down, making it manageable is a much better way to handle it all. Thanks, Wendi, this is very good advice and I appreciate the reminder.

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      3. Thanks so much, Wendi. I really do appreciate all the support and friendship of my blogging community. You guys are all so kind and really make a big difference in my life. I appreciate your comments so much. You are so very kind, Wendi. It was a much better day today. Stay safe, friend, and take good care of you.

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    1. It sure is – I am hoping it will pass. Maybe I have a touch of spring fever. I usually get a bit restless in the spring anyway, it’s just magnified somewhat this year. For obvious reasons.


  2. This is a good time to make blog posts I think, maybe write poems, stories and articles. I also think it’s a good time to catch up on reading all those books we never got round to and looking through old storage boxes, to find forgotten treasures!

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      1. I was chatting with a friend about creative people and how at the end of the day there will be a lot of art, stories, movies, etc. etc. that will come out of all this. Beautiful silver linings….

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  3. Bored. Lonely. Unmotivated. Eating too much. Sleeping too much. Sitting and watching the news too much. I know I need to move my body. I know I need to get outdoors for a little while each day (and our weather is accommodating here in California – so no excuses!). I know I need to stop eating high-carb foods. I know I need to reach out to other people. Some days are a complete bust. I help others with their anxiety and depression all the time, but sometimes forget I need that kind of support as well. I keep telling myself “everyone’s in the same boat,” and to stop feeling sorry for myself. In the next moment, I remind myself to not be too self-critical. It’s an interesting balance!

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    1. Some days I am beyond bored. It’s been a bit more than a month for hubby and me and I am beginning to chaff at the bit. Not that we do much. With hubby’s health the way it is we’ve been pretty much home bound for years. BUT work at the library gave me my social life (such as it was) but now the library is closed. I have done fairly well up to this point but now it is starting to get to me. I am not much of a junk food eater, usually, but this pandemic has me boredom eating, watching way too much t.v. and motivation comes and goes – some days I have it, most days I don’t.

      Knowing what we “should” be doing and actually doing it are worlds apart at this point. Sigh. All we can do is hang on – something will change soon I think. Medical science professionals all over the world are working on vaccines, etc. It’s just a matter of time.

      You do so much to help others. Sending positive energy to you. We really are all in this together, but the being apart thing kind of sucks. Hang in there. Stay healthy. Stay safe. Sending you oodles of virtual hugs xo


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